Below is an e-mail I sent to The History Channel today. Believe you me, I'm aware that The History Channel is not the be-all, end-all of historical investigation. I wrote this precisely because the network is a shameless info-for-the-masses, MTV B.C., pop-culture fixture. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
So, am I an inconsolable feminazi, or is this a reasonable letter? I'd really like your opinion.
To Whom It May Concern:
Two nights ago I was watching an airing of The Universe with my boyfriend. The narration of the program is supplemented with images of scientists and researchers who have contributed to the formation of the Big Bang theory. I couldn't help but comment to my boyfriend the noticeable lack of women. Not once in the two-hour program did we see a photograph of a woman or hear from a female specialist. Of course, I realize that the people involved in almost all scientific discoveries throughout almost all of human history have been male, so it is not the fault of the History Channel or the producers of the program, but rather the constraints of history itself that can partially explain the lack of women in this program.
There was, however, a missed opportunity to mention Vera Rubin, the woman who verified the existence of dark matter. I must also imagine that there are at least a few female physics professors who are just as qualified to discuss the formation of the universe as any of the men featured in the program. As I'm sure you're aware, there is an educational rift between men and women in the fields of math and science. I believe that small gestures (such as occasionally highlighting female specialists and scientists whenever it is feasible and appropriate) can improve this situation. I can only imagine the number of high school science teachers that are likely buying DVD's and using this program to accompany their lectures. Their classes, no doubt, are full of girls who may also notice the lack of women featured.
Finally, while watching The Universe, I realized how rarely women appear in any of the History Channel's programing. I realize that I'm not the network's key demographic, but I would become a true History Channel fan if I were ever to see a "Women in Ancient Rome" or "Women and the Civil War" special.
Thanks for your time.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dear History Channel
Posted by Amanda at 12:24 PM |
Monday, August 11, 2008
a geography lesson for mrs. roberts
(Joshua Masayoshi Huff)
Bsto brought to my attention Cokie Roberts saying that Barack Obama should not be in Hawaii "on vacation" because it sounds like a "foreign, exotic place"...and she's not backing off her stance at all. Then, she added that he should be in Myrtle Beach. Uh, would you rather be in Myrtle Beach or Hawaii? Yeah, I thought so...especially when you were born, raised and grew up in Hawaii.
Wow. This woman is not only a bestselling author and Emmy award winner, but she was also a professor at the George Washington University.
How? I mean, our "best and brightest" calling Hawaii foreign? The last time I checked, foreign meant a different nation. Is Hawaii different from "the United States"? No. It's not any different as California is from Alabama.
Perhaps, by foreign, she meant that Hawaii wasn't part of the continent. It isn't. It isn't contiguious, but neither is Alaska. Is Alaska also foreign?
Barack's "vacation" here is as much of a campaign stop as it is a rest period. As soon as he touched down at Honolulu International Airport, he drove half a mile and gave a speech.
Yes, the speech was short, but at least he came.
My brother was even on the same golf course at the same time that Barack golfed. Would he ever be in the same neighborhood as McCain? In the same time zone? He went home after seeing Barack and read up on him and urged me to do the same.
Because I can vote. Because Hawaii is a state. That votes. And Obama has not forgotten that. Neither has my brother, though it seems like Cokie Roberts has.
Because, you know, we vote here. We have Congressional representation. And, uh, we have votes in the upcoming presidential election.
We all know that talking heads aren't the end-all, be-all for political discourse, but can we please have more informed people on television? I mean, many Americans decide who they're going to vote for based on the CliffsNotes version of campaign platforms that the television news outlets provide them.
Unfortunately, they're getting their political information on America from people who don't quite understand all off the states that comprise said country.
Posted by jhuff at 4:23 PM |